Amber Alert!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mother Needs Brain Therapy

This really burns my ass, and I'm sure you've already read about the story, or like me, heard it on the news. A 13 yr old is on the run with his mother, instead of getting the chemo treatment he needs for his cancer. The judge was to order a chest X-ray to see how his Hodgkins lymphoma was progressing. Because of this, a court ordered attorney is requesting the boy be put in the hands of the state so that he can receive the treatment he so really needs.

His type of cancer is very treatable and has a high success rate if treated properly, however, his mother thinks that they need to go another route. Why in the hell, I'd like to know. And this 13 year old is only refusing treatment as well because, I think, his mom filled his head full of crap. Why the hell else would someone his age, refuse the only treatment that will sustain his life?

Who is this woman, and who the hell does she think she is? I think she should get jail time for child endangerment and/or child abuse. And, the husband? What's up with him already. And, why did he show up to court by himself? Does he want his child to get treatment?

Also, I haven't heard any of the before story, and there must be one since there was a court date to have ordered an x-ray. I did read that the boy had received one chemo treatment, and that it was after that, they refused. Could it be, the hospital is the ones to have gone to the courts to tell the judge the boy was no longer going to have his treatments? Hmmmm.

If you haven't read the story, or you want to read it again, it's here Minn. boy resisting chemo treatment misses court hearing.

In the full article, it mentioned nothing of religious preferences for the reason of refusal, and figure if that was the reason, it would have been mentioned. So, what other reason is there? I can't imagine a mother would refuse the help her child needed so badly to stay alive. Is she that incompetent herself? Or could there be another underlying reason here. Is there insurance money involved? I know, I know, I'm getting way ahead of myself but that is how my mind works. What are your thoughts?


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